Collection: The Strangers | Malibu Comics

Enter the mysterious world of The Strangers, a groundbreaking superhero team from Malibu Comics' Ultraverse! Launched in the early 1990s, The Strangers follows a diverse group of individuals who gain incredible superpowers after being struck by a mysterious bolt of energy while riding a cable car in San Francisco. Each member of the team possesses unique abilities, making them a force to be reckoned with as they battle powerful enemies and uncover the secrets behind their transformations.

With action-packed storylines, vibrant artwork and dynamic characters, The Strangers became a fan-favourite among readers during the rise of Malibu Comics. Whether you're a longtime fan of the Ultraverse or new to the series, The Strangers is an essential addition to any comic book collection.

Explore rare and collectible issues of The Strangers at Retro Games And Films, and relive the excitement of this iconic superhero team!

The Strangers comic book, Malibu Comics Ultraverse superheroes, rare collectible Strangers comics, 1990s superhero team